Turns out being stapled to your super fund is a lot less painful than not... but what does stapling superannuation mean?
Stapling sounds VERY painful, Flux fam. But, turns out being stapled to your super fund is a lot less painful than not.
When you start a new job, you normally give your new employer your tax file number, stalk your colleagues on LinkedIn and, of course, nominate your super fund - so your new employer can make super guarantee contributions into your fund.
If ya don’t nominate your super fund, your new employer can choose a default fund for you - and it’s often a fund they’re aligned with.
Often, this means we end up with more super funds than COVID variants - because we have a new super fund for each casual jobs we have as teens. And that means more fees, more paperwork and more passwords to remember.
Now that’s what’s really painful.
To stop people accruing tonnes of super funds, the Government introduced ‘super stapling’ measures. This means when you change jobs, your old super fund will be stapled to you.
That means bye-bye to new super funds every minute.
Instead, your boss will need to dig around at the ATO to find out which super fund you’re with and direct their contributions to that fund. That fund is known as your stapled super fund.
The best part about stapled superannuation is that you’ll no longer need to deal with a heap of Super funds and your super guarantee contributions will be paying only one set of fees. Now all you need to do is choose the best super fund for you!
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